Sunday, November 23, 2008

Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology

The website for the Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology (CARET) is created in collaboration with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and with Education Support Systems (ESS) and funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The purpose of the website is to provide resources for the integration of technology in education by looking at research conducted in the areas of student learning, curriculum and instruction, online teaching and learning, professional development and assessment and evaluation.
One of the 21st Century Skills students should focus on is being prepared through real world applications. CARET looks at how “Technology improves performance when the application provides opportunities for students to design and implement projects that extend the curriculum content being assessed by a particular standardized test.” In other words, providing practical applications not assessed on the TAKS.
CARET looks at the latest research on professional development for technology integration. Strategies are discussed on building teacher confidence in technology use as well as how educational leaders can assist teachers in their application of technology throughout their curriculum.
Most importantly CARET looks at how to enhance student learning. Through the use of technology, research shows how to develop higher order thinking skills and improve student motivation and attitudes. Technology plays a key role in preparing students for life outside school whether it is post-secondary education or a place in the work force. The skills students will need must be taught through technology integration throughout the curriculum not independently of subject areas.


melanieb said...

What an excellent go to location for all sorts of information- links to education news caught my eye- was full of interesting articles- not all were researched based, but still interesting with valuable instructional implications. Thanks for sharing.

melanieb said...

My blog address has changed...