Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

TCEA Conference Day 4

Session 1: Web 2.0 Tools - Twitter type site that allows you to post upto 140 characters in a Private location. These locations can be set up for a few hours or a few weeks. Must be 13 to participate.
pollanywhere - Polling feedback using cell phone. Some charges may apply. Great ELL resource From Thinkatures site - With Thinkature, you can create a collaborative workspace and invite coworkers, friends, and colleagues to join you in just seconds. Once inside your workspace, you can communicate by chatting, drawing, creating cards, and adding content from around the Internet. It's all synchronous, too - no need to hit reload or get an editing lock. great site to share ideas Great science classification site
google squared Great addition to googles site. Looks at many aspects of the search term. Subscriber-based collaboration tool - Fun work place for kids to doodle and experiment with creating.
Great site of student project -- Genie in a Bottle Unleashed
I came across this link through a blog I follow and thought I'd share. Some very creative students. Not necessarily practical for everyone but some students may be excited about something like this. Not viewable in district but worth taking a look at home. Great student work.

TCEA Conference Day 3

Session 1: Bling your Blog -- interesting library blog site for fun fonts
use twitter to keep content up to date (widgets from twitter)
embed movie trailers into your blog to generate interest in book
Use guest bloggers, have teachers discuss books they've read
shelfari -- widget that shows book covers on shelf graphic
student podcasts on blogs
google books embedded book preview
book trailer hosted on teacher tube
randomhouse widget -- shows preview of book
post a give-aways

Session 2: Successful Solutions for Technology Integration - Secondary
handout for session

Session 3: Project Based Learning (PBL) for the 21st Century Educator
Look at Kelli Erwin blog for ideas on Project Based Learning
edutopia.orgTo learn more about PBL:

TCEA Conference Day 2

Session 1: Copyright, Copy Wrong
Video or Film
10% of the total, or Up to 3 minutes Whichever is LESS.Music/Lyrics/Music Video
10% of the total, or up to 30 seconds whichever is LESS.
Any songs longer than 5 minutes will be 30 secondsText
10% of the total, or up to 1,000 words whichever is LESS.Poetry
Less than 250 words the whole poem can be used
More than 250 words, 10%
Must use complete image
May use up to five images from any one artist from any one source
If the source is a collection of the complete works of a particular artist, then you may use up to 15 from that collection.Penalties
Both civil and criminal
$150,000 per occurrence for willful use
$30,000 statutory damages, regardless of actual damages
All profits
Attorney fees
Creative Commons
~$600 Backtraxx from Digital Juice 2: Web 2.0 in Personal Learning Network 3: Free and Simple: Hot Applications and Cool Web 2.0 Projects (great source of web 2.0 tools) (will bypass the front page and any possible inappropriate text)
loonapix.com Session 4: Google Classroom
edutech2020.comSession 5: Kids Spearhead a Web 2.0 Wiki Evolution
Students collaborated among several different campuses (1st grade) (Sample of parent permission slip to use wikis)
Things to consider:
permission (does AUP cover published work?)
Get input from administrators on campus so kids can see others outside the class can participate.
Create a wiki and have the students complete round-robin story. Divide kids into groups across campuses. (Set up collaboration for TAKS writing in 4th grade)
Explorer challenge - Write journal entry as if you were on the Lewis and Clark Expedition 6: Google Tips for Teachers w/ Tammy Worcester Tricks
Show Options at top of search results
Wonder wheel (from the Show Options list)
Send button from map
google apps for educators
creating student accts through domain name for any site requiring login

TCEA Conference Day 1

Just arrived at TCEA and started the break out sessions for TATN. Session 1; Mixing Music, speaker didn't show! A volunteer from the audience offered to present what he was doing in his classroom. Some great ideas: Magix MusicMaker (Version 15 ~$20). Other software viewed: Adobe Premier (very expensive), Sound Blaster ($?). Great fill-in presenter. Session 2: Education in the 21st Century (Handley MS, Ft. Worth)
How have classrooms changed?
Science classroom in Handley MS include Promethean board, laptop cart (20) not in all classes, doc. camera, blue ray dvd player, wireless printer, presentation station.
- Mutlimedia presentations
- Unitedstreaming
Using iMovie in your classroom
Public Broadcast Service Announcement - Castastrophic event
-Students create public service announcements on catastrophic event with demonstrations and visuals recorded using iMovie and iLife.Session 3: Digital Portfolios (Side note: just joined ETAN Digital portfolios can be used for college applications, to showcase work
- Purpose and Audience
- Goals and uses of portfolios
- Planning
- ExpectationsUses Adobe Acrobat Look at Adobe Curriculum Guides for lesson plans on creating portfolios (free site to convert files to .pdf look at: (google adobe tv) Session 4: Interactive Math sites (fee based)Use these sites and have the students explain their thought process in word. Session 5: Web 2.0 Educational Homes Teachers are able to get up to 200 student accts. free until Feb. 28 after that they can get 100. (not monitored)Session 6: Using glogster in your class multimedia site to display student projects.

Universal Design for Learning

This collaborative project has been very interesting! Our group works very well together and when one has difficulty understanding the concept other fill in. This has been critical in this past week's assignment. The Universal Design for Learning looks at many different aspects of the planning process to ensure each learning style is met. CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology, assists in lesson building to ensure technology is used to address the learning styles of struggling or special needs students. According to their website, they look at ways to assist areas such as dyslexia, language barriers, emotional or behavior problems, lack of interest and physical disabilities. By addressing each of these styles in our lesson we are making sure each student with special needs is met and can be successful. Different approaches were utilized in creating the lesson such as video presentations and graphics for students with hearing impairments. For students with visual impairments there were tactile opportunities so that they could feel as well as hear the concepts discussed. Giving options in contributing to the end product will hopefully allow strengths and talents to emerge and spark interest in what the students are doing. Highly motivated and gifted students are paired with low achieving students in order to assist those struggling students. As the lesson was prepared I made a point of addressing the different brain networks identified by CAST. These include the Recognition network, how facts are gathered; the Strategic network, or the planning and task performance; and the Affective networks, how students are engaged and interested. Each of these networks played a part in the overall lesson.

Web Conference Nov. 21

After dealing with some technical issues I was able to participate in the web conference though very limited. I started with my Mac thinking it was going to be easier with the integrated video and audio but that wasn't the case. When I switched to the PC I was able to access the site and request participation. I only listened as there were a lot of participants accessing it at the same time. Once there were more than eight or nine it was hard to follow the discussions. Everyone participating did a great job of allowing everyone else to share and some very good information was shared. I like the idea of having the web conferences on a regular basis but I would also like to see if we could limit to those in our cohort. Some very good discussions have occurred lately with the direction of Creighton. I would like to see if it's possible to create a web conference for our group.

Final Thoughts on PSA

It's interesting to see how our project changed over the few weeks we were working on it. From the beginning when we were brainstorming topic ideas to the final product it was a collaborative effort amongst our group. It was nice to see the professionalism of our group come through in this project. As Randy Nelson said in his address as Pixar dean, "accept all offers". This was evident in how we worked together as a group. Everyone had equal say in the direction of the project. Collaborating online was a bit sporadic at times but when we needed to get together we were able to.The shots we ended up using were chosen out of a great deal of video taping. It was surprising how much ended up on the 'editing floor'. Having divided the video taping process and everyone taking a turn editing them, I think we were able to come to a good final product when Jessica took the final editing. Having one person do this final editing made for a smooth final video. Also being able to use family members for the shots helped a great deal when it came to finding talent. Props were minimal in that we only looked at fast food and activities around the house to emphasize the ease of our PSA recommendations. Converting the final video to .wmv made uploading it to the web and visible with a standard free player such as Windows Media Player.

Photostory Video Project

I have to admit this was pretty fun. I can imagine the fun the students will have when they are able to create a montage of images and add narration and music to it. The only difficult part was having a collection of images that I could use. This may be a problem for students as well. I am sometimes uncomfortable with the students using images from Google images. This is there first thought when given anything to do with images. Trying to get them to more appropriate image sites is sometimes difficult.This is certainly a place where copyright should be taught.