Monday, February 22, 2010

Universal Design for Learning

This collaborative project has been very interesting! Our group works very well together and when one has difficulty understanding the concept other fill in. This has been critical in this past week's assignment. The Universal Design for Learning looks at many different aspects of the planning process to ensure each learning style is met. CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology, assists in lesson building to ensure technology is used to address the learning styles of struggling or special needs students. According to their website, they look at ways to assist areas such as dyslexia, language barriers, emotional or behavior problems, lack of interest and physical disabilities. By addressing each of these styles in our lesson we are making sure each student with special needs is met and can be successful. Different approaches were utilized in creating the lesson such as video presentations and graphics for students with hearing impairments. For students with visual impairments there were tactile opportunities so that they could feel as well as hear the concepts discussed. Giving options in contributing to the end product will hopefully allow strengths and talents to emerge and spark interest in what the students are doing. Highly motivated and gifted students are paired with low achieving students in order to assist those struggling students. As the lesson was prepared I made a point of addressing the different brain networks identified by CAST. These include the Recognition network, how facts are gathered; the Strategic network, or the planning and task performance; and the Affective networks, how students are engaged and interested. Each of these networks played a part in the overall lesson.

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